Advanced Legal Project Management

Leading Toward a Global LPP Certification or a Government-approved Diploma Qualification

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Advanced Legal Project Management eLearning Program

The Institute believes in practical and in-depth education that can lead to your professional recognition by either a Government-endorsed internationally-recognised qualification or globally-recognised LPM certification (or both).

Join us to get insights into the Legal Project Management (LPM) discipline that provides critical skills for the modern lawyer, and get a toolbox of over 45+ workplace templates that can improve your legal practice and results.

This Advanced Legal Project Management online course offers over 30 key learning modules, 38 videos and downloadable 45+ workplace modifiable templates to use, meeting the educational prerequisites to gain the Legal Project Associate (LPA), the Legal Project Practitioner (LPP) global LPM certifications or the internationally-recognised Diploma of Project Management qualification (all certification and qualification applications require an additional fee, and the LPP requires workplace prerequisites, and the Diploma requires workplace evidence).

This includes a 500+ page student e-manual, and workplace templates.

This eLearning experience will give you insight into the roles, life cycle, knowledge areas and key tools used in Legal Project Management, as an introductory insight towards enhancing your career top lead legal matters. It is designed for legal project managers, lawyers, para-legal professionals, forensic specialists and consultants working in the legal profession or related fields.
Legal Project Management (LPM) is the application of project management principles and practices to enhance the delivery of legal services.
LPM recognises that legal matters are projects, and in order to plan and execute projects consistently and effectively, they should embrace project management practices. This not only increases efficiency, and utilities technology, it enables fixed price legal services and other alternate fee arrangements.
Whilst neither the legal profession nor the project management disciplines are new, there has been a global wave of interest in legal project management practices. So what is the sudden catalyst for law firms to take a project approach to legal matters? Well, it simply comes down to client market demands for alternate fee arrangements (AFA), and particularly fixed price legal services. This is because a move from the billable hour requires more rigour in planning, an understanding of identifying the legal matter costs upfront, determining the client price, and being able to deliver the matter on time, on budget and to the specification required. This may require risk management, issues management, variation management and variation management.
LPM however goes beyond just AFA, as a study conducted by the International Institute of Legal Project Management across 9 countries of legal project management practitioners found that LPM covers not only implementing a more formal project approach, but also incorporates process improvement, technology integration and an emphasis on the soft skills to better engage key stakeholders.
This course is a prerequisite educational program for attaining the international level of either the:
  1. Legal Project Associate (LPA) certification, which can be gained by completing the optional assessment and submitting the LPA certification application with the additional fee (US$147) payment;
  2. Legal Project Practitioner (LPP) certification, which can be gained by completing the optional assessment and submitting the LPP certification application with the additional fee (US$177) payment;
  3. Diploma of Project Management that requires workplace evidence, requiring a workplace assessment with an additional fee (US$947) payment.

The Course Content

It includes 33 Learning Segments that comprise:

  1. About the Course
  2. Introduction to Legal Project Management
  3. Beyond Project Management Principles
  4. Artificial intelligence in Law
  5. PM Standards and the 10 PM Knowledge Areas
  6. The Legal Matter Life Cycle
  7. The Legal Matter Categories
  8. Legal Project Management Methodologies
  9. Legal Project Team Roles and Responsibilities
  10. An Introduction to the Work Breakdown Structure
  11. Matter Scope Management
  12. Matter Schedule Management
  13. Matter Cost Management
  14. Implementing Fixed Price Legal Services
  15. Implementing Values-based pricing
  16. Matter Human Resource Management
  17. Matter Quality Management
  18. Matter Communication Management
  19. Matter Stakeholder Management
  20. Matter Procurement Management
  21. Matter Risk Management
  22. Leading People
  23. The Basics of Body Language
  24. Behavioural Modelling
  25. Issues Management
  26. Variation (Change) Management
  27. Lessons Learnt Management
  28. Implementing Legal Project Management
  29. Legal PM for In-House Counsel
  30. Legal PM for Litigation
  31. Legal Project Management Offices
  32. Agile Project Management
  33. Professional Recognition in Legal Project Management

It includes the following Additional Resources:

  • Short 30 question assessment
  • Certificate of Completion (once completed the education and questionnaire)
  • IILPM Code of Ethics
  • LPM Implementation Industry Guide
  • Glossary of Terms
  • Glossary of Acronyms

It includes over 45 Microsoft® Word-based Templates (made available as downloadable templates) that you can use for personal use or for work use (although you cannot distribute them, make them available on a public online forum or on-sell them) that include:

Define Phase

  1. Definition Brief template
  2. Matter Proposal template
  3. Work Breakdown Structure template

Plan Phase

  1. Minor Matter Plan template
  2. Major Matter Plan template
  3. Risk Management Plan template
  4. Quality Management Plan template
  5. Communications Management Plan template
  6. Quality Management Plan template
  7. Organisational Chart Tool template
  8. Human Resource Allocation Plan template
  9. Stakeholder Management Strategy template
  10. Procurement Strategy template
  11. Negotiation Strategy template
  12. Fee Schedule template
  13. Pre-Deliver Phase Checklist template

Deliver Phase

  1. Work Breakdown Structure Tracker template
  2. Progress Status Report template
  3. Risk Register template
  4. Issues Register template
  5. Cost Tracker template
  6. Action Item Register template
  7. Variation (Change) Request template
  8. Variation (Change) Register template
  9. Legal Project Team Kick-off Meeting Agenda template
  10. Legal Project Team Meeting Agenda template
  11. Legal Project Team Meeting Minutes template
  12. Client Meeting Agenda template
  13. Client Meeting Minutes template
  14. Contractor Meeting Agenda template
  15. Contractor Meeting Minutes template
  16. Contractor Scope Instruction template
  17. Contractor Progress Status Report template
  18. Lessons Learnt Register template
  19. Responsibility Assignment Matrix template

Close Phase

  1. Matter Close-Out Report template
  2. Close-Out Phase Checklist template
  3. Lessons Learnt Report template

Other Templates

  1. Career Professional Development Plan template
  2. DISC Behavioural Sampler Tool template
  3. Team Member Skills Matrix template
  4. Legal PMO Analysis Checklist template
  5. LPM Methodology Analysis Checklist template
  6. Legal Project Manager Position Description template
  7. Document Review Request template
  8. Agile Backlog template

This educational experience will help you understand the importance of Legal Project Management to increasing efficiency and delivering a more robust legal matter process, as well as learning how to improve the practice management process.

The total eLearning course and physical toolkit bundle cost is discounted to US$1,297 (although taxes may apply in different countries when processing the payment).

The course contents are aligned to the global Legal Project Management Competency Framework, which provides a global standard for guiding the development of all LPM education courses, and covers the IILPM LPM Framework.

This course is required to be completed within 18 months.

We look forward to helping you accelerate your career and build industry relevant and world-ready competency skills.

Get started now!

Your Instructor

Todd Hutchison
Todd Hutchison

Known as the Corporate Mechanic, adjunct Associate Professor Todd Hutchison is an international bestselling author, certified speaking professional (CSP), global consultant, awarded project manager, and behavioural expert. He is also a qualified private investigator.

Todd leads the global management consultancy and training company Peopleistic with offices in Australia and the United States. He was formally on the international Board of Directors of the Project Management Institute (PMI), and has been recognised as the leading project management expert in the Worldwide Who's Who 'Global 101 Top Experts' publication. His business expertise is recognised by a listing in the Who's Who of Business in Australia.

Todd was the first Fellow of the Project Management Institute in Australia (FPMIA), and also holds fellowships with the Australian Institute of Management (AIM), Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM), Governance Institute of Australia (FGIA), and Leadership Western Australia (LWA), as well as being an Adjunct Associate Professor with Business Education Institute, with adjunct status also at Edith Cowan University and Curtin University. He also is involved teaching at MBA level.

He is qualified in engineering, project management, contract management, business, commerce, information technology, professional coaching, company directorship and education, and was the first degree qualified person in legal project management worldwide. He is now progressing a PhD in business behavioural sciences.

Todd has worked as an advisor, consultant, trainer and practice manager for law firms, and in-house Counsel. He has worked in over 160 organisations across 13 countries, and is the residing Chairman of the International Institute of Legal Project Management.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does this course take?
The course can take up to 35 hours if you read all the contents, watch all the videos, and complete all the optional assessment activities. This means that the course meets the educational requirements towards a Government-approved Diploma of Project Management,
How long do I have access to the course?
When you enrol on this site, you get immediate access tot he course materials. The course is expected to be completed within a 18 month period, however extensions are generally granted.
How do I get Globally Certified?
This course meets the prerequisites for the education requirements for both the Legal Project Associate (LPA) and the Legal Project Practitioner (LPP), which will require an additional payment and application: The LPA certification costs an additional US$147 and the LPP costs an additional US$177.
How do I get a Diploma Qualification
This course meets the prerequisites for the education requirements for the Diploma of Project Management. This qualification is governed by the Australian Qualifications Framework and is subject to Governmental Regulation. The Diploma requires workplace evidence of the application of project management, including a Legal Project Plan and Matter Close-Out Report. On completion of this course, you would require to be working as a Legal Project Manager or Project Manager, and the additional fee for undertaking the Diploma assessment is US$947. The Diploma takes up to 4 weeks to assess the assessment submission. It is issued by the Business Education Institute, which is a Government-approved Registered Training Organisation (RTO51900).
What if I have additional questions during the course?
You will be allocated a professional coach to answer any questions via email.
Do I need to do the assessment?
No, unless you wish to get the Certificate of Completion that is issued automatically when you complete the 20 essay questions. The assessment is a simple 20 question multiple choice questionnaire. It is mandatory for you to validate that you have met the educational requirement to apply for a LPA or LPP certification, or the Diploma.of Project Management.
What quality level is the course content?
This comprehensive course provides all the education requirements and workplace templates to plan and lead legal matters. It offers the quality assurance of a Government approved internationally recognised qualification designed to fast track the modern lawyer and legal project manager.
Does this Relate to My Career?
This training and qualification is designed for lawyers, legal project managers, paralegals, practice managers and those working in legal environments who are leading or aspiring to lead legal matters and projects within a legal environment.
Am I Eligible?
There are no prerequisite entry requirements for this training. The LPP certification requires at least a legal university qualification or at least 1-year working in legal environments.
What Can I Achieve?
The Advanced Legal Project Management eLearning program provides the educational prerequisite to gain the Legal Project Associate (LPA) certification, the Legal Project Practitioner (LPP) certification and the Diploma of Project Management.
Why not aligned to a Diploma of Legal Project Management?
All course material has been contextualised to planning and managing legal matters and working with complex legal projects. Having the generic Diploma of Project Management enables graduates to also meet prerequisites for other project professional association certifications, providing the graduates with wider membership, career and certification opportunities.
Do I Get any Workplace Tools?
You will be given access to a number of workplace designed templates to plan and deliver legal matters.
When can I Start?
The online enrolment and credit card or PayPal payment system gives you immediate access to the course. The eLearning is available 24x7. The IILPM Head Office will contact you soon after to allocate your coach.
What are the Diploma Assessment Requirements?
The assessment is based on essay questions, workplace evidence and third party verification where a supervisor is able to confirm your workplace experience. The workplace evidence includes a fully developed Matter Project Plan and Matter Close-out Report for a legal project the candidate has led. All templates will be provided in the training, and evidence can be applied to projects up to two years in the past.
What if I Need a Human Being?
Once enrolled in the eLearning course you will be allocated a certified LPP and experienced coach who will correspond via email. When you submit the Diploma assessment you will be allocated a Government registered assessor to guide you through the process.

Advanced Legal Project Management

Leading Toward a Global LPP Certification or a Government-approved Diploma Qualification

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