Legal Project Management Essentials
A Non-Accredited Insight into LPM
Your Instructor
Known as the Corporate Mechanic, adjunct Associate Professor Todd Hutchison is an international bestselling author, certified speaking professional (CSP), global consultant, awarded project manager, and behavioural expert. He is also a qualified private investigator.
Todd leads the global management consultancy and training company Peopleistic with offices in Australia and the United States. He was formally on the international Board of Directors of the Project Management Institute (PMI), and has been recognised as the leading project management expert in the Worldwide Who's Who 'Global 101 Top Experts' publication. His business expertise is recognised by a listing in the Who's Who of Business in Australia.
Todd was the first Fellow of the Project Management Institute in Australia (FPMIA), and also holds fellowships with the Australian Institute of Management (AIM), Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM), Governance Institute of Australia (FGIA), and Leadership Western Australia (LWA), as well as being an Adjunct Associate Professor with Business Education Institute, with adjunct status also at Edith Cowan University and Curtin University. He also is involved teaching at MBA level.
He is qualified in engineering, project management, contract management, business, commerce, information technology, professional coaching, company directorship and education, and was the first degree qualified person in legal project management worldwide. He is now progressing a PhD in business behavioural sciences.
Todd has worked as an advisor, consultant, trainer and practice manager for law firms, and in-house Counsel. He has worked in over 160 organisations across 13 countries, and is the residing Chairman of the International Institute of Legal Project Management.